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Unattended Sales Australia Pty Ltd

 ACN 617 928 006


Tired of the senseless losses associated with shoplifting ? 

Have your sales declined due to online competition ?

Do you have a strategy that capitalises on the disadvantages of online sales ?

Have you explored the potential of combining bricks and mortar retail with unattended dispensing - let's bridge that gap ?

Engage with us to significantly reduce your losses from shoplifting and simultaneously expand the capabilities of your existing retail operation by incorporating the added assistance of unattended dispensing.

We offer consumers a quick, flawless user experience, with 24 hour convenience [if required] - without the postage costs or delays and risk of getting scammed.

We offer our clients solutions that are effective in restoring profitability by preventing shoplifting, reducing security costs and optimising HR deployment - making unattended dispensing a compelling option.

About Us

Incorporated in 2017, Unattended Sales Australia specialises in designing and implementing innovative unattended dispensing solutions that solve a variety of retail problems in a practical and affordable manner.


We offer a consultancy service that puts you in the best possible position to make a considered decision about integrating unattended dispensing within your existing operation.


We support the whole process, from concept to installation and the successful implementation of the project, also providing post project training and technical support.


In short, we offer customised solutions based on your needs, ensuring our solution is fit for purpose, scaleable and above all returns exceptional value.


Geoff  Sedgwick - Director


Masters Degree in Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
University of Adelaide 2015
A comprehensive degree encompassing Project and Innovation Finance, Innovation and Corporate Venturing, Opportunity Assessment, Strategy and Growth, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Business & Contract Legal Studies, Marketing of Technology, Creativity and Innovation.
Industry and Business Experience:
4 decades of entrepreneurial experience as a business owner across multiple industry sectors including retail services, wholesaling, advertising, manufacturing, and franchising - culminating in 18 Years Vending Industry experience.
The combination of my diverse business environments and experience, academic subject exposure and creativity offer a reasonable expectation of my ability to problem solve but more importantly, ensure that we justify our value proposition.

Consultancy Services

Opportunity Assessment

Would unattended dispensing add sufficient value to your business to warrant incorporating it into your operation  ?

Concept Suitability

Understanding the practicalities and costs of incorporating the unattended model in respect to your product range.

Equipment procurement

Equipment selection designed for flawless delivery outcomes for your range of products.
POS and Machine Management Systems suitable for your exact requirements.

Commissioning and Technical Services

Equipment branding

Installation of equipment, cashless payment, machine management and reporting systems
Staff Training
Machine maintenance contracts and technical support

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The incorporation of unattended dispensing is a potential game-changer for Australian bricks and mortar retail . . . .  what difference will it make ? 

  • Shoplifting:  Unattended dispensing provides PREVENTION rather than “deterrent” options – that’s a substantial increase in profit potential right there

  • Retail theft / shrinkage:  When goods cannot be marked as “stolen off the shelves” unattended distribution’s monitoring systems increase the level of accountability 10 fold

  • Inventory security costs:  The highest value per $ for effectiveness. Whilst CCTV and RFID tags may deter shoplifters they do not actually STOP theft – unattended distribution does. It stands to reason that once shoplifters know your goods are no longer easy targets for theft, they will stop visiting your store

  • Automated inventory management: Provide remote easy to manage systems and with stock level alerts are a failsafe guarantee that top selling products are always available for sale

  • Staff:  Using unattended distribution in specific store areas or for products that do not require staff intervention, provides effective and flexible staff utilisation in areas where they can be more productive.  It also prevents your staff from being targets of aggression and abuse when they suspect theft and eliminates the need for them to apprehend shoplifters

  • Convenience:  Given the well documented shortage of staff, unattended dispensing provides a quick, convenient and increasingly popular self-service option for consumers in a hurry

  • Flexibility: The current generation of smart machinery can be formatted to dispense a wide range of products

  • Scalability and cost:  The unattended model is infinitely and easily scaleable; The cost of doing so is surprisingly achievable

  • Analytics:  Machine management systems allow for 100% remote monitoring and produce a spectrum of reports sufficient to understand your market. Whilst personalisation options are in their infancy, AI generated up-grades to machine management systems will include this feature in the future

  • Extended Trading:  The unattended dispensing industry leads the field in [almost] zero cost 24/7 trading

Pedestrain Bridge



Neither of us will know  the potential  value of your enquiry until we've had a discussion ?


Please contact us so we can arrange a suitable time to understand what you'd like to achieve


Causing losses of up to 37% , this is the most serious reason for profit decline in retail this decade.

We are concentrating on, shoplifting and retail theft because  it really is a problem we CAN solve​


If you are unfamiliar with the concept of unattended dispensing, this will assist you to understand what can be achieved.

Accommodating every business with it's own unique  demands and objectives​


A series of articles  published on Linkedin



The objective being to make retailers aware of alternate options for controlling shoplifting and restoring profit

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